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All new subscribers are encouraged to speak with a member of the Investoristics' staff prior to enrollment. New enrollments are only accepted during the month prior to the start of a quarter. As an example, to start your enrollment in the quarter beginning in April of a particular year, you would need to contact us about enrollment no later than mid-March. For questions, please contact us directly via the contact page. Calendar year quarters start on the first business day of each of the following months: January, April, July, and October.
The Investoristics Investment Collective ("The Collective") operates much like a long-only hedge fund model portfolio for retail investors and others looking for a superior equity alternative versus a passive investing approach. A passive approach to investing using an index fund is probably a great alternative for most retail investors looking to grow their assets through a company-sponsored 401(k) type plan using basic dollar-cost averaging over a number of years. However, for those retail and other investors looking for a better approach, "The Collective" is probably one of the best alternatives available.
Our goal is to provide superior returns versus the S&P 500 with a lower risk profile, and we plan to continue to do that by providing "The Collective" with a highly focused approach that targets those stocks best equipped for market out-performance. Typically, to outperform the index, it's necessary to know something that others don't know. Unfortunately, we don't know what others don't know. However, we are willing to do what others won't, can't, or don't know how to do, which is to focus on a limited number of holdings providing the best opportunity for success. Our strategy bets on the fact that common sense makes the most sense when investing, and this approach has worked extremely well for "The Collective" for a number of years.
Our strategy is based solely on the fundamental principle that price follows earnings and earnings expectations. The great thing about fundamentals is that they never change, so a strategy based on never-changing fundamentals will always work over the long run as any financial ratio is the same today as it was 100 years ago. It's simple but not easy, and that's why we do the heavy lifting. All it takes to get started is a simple click of the button below to schedule a brief discussion about our unique approach to see if it's right for you.
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