Posts by Darryl H
To Diversify or Not. That is the Question
Why the anger? Some people like focus while others do not. So, what exactly are the arguments for heavy diversification versus concentrated portfolios. To paraphrase two well-known investors – anybody who diversifies an investment portfolio must be an idiot or a moron. These statements can be attributed to billionaire entrepreneur and television personality, Mark Cuban…
Read MoreNever Go Broke, It Is Easy to Self-Annuitize
Whether you are super wealthy or just the average retiree, you might be concerned about outliving your current income or preserving your wealth. To avoid outliving your current retirement income, you first need to determine how much of your nest egg you need to invest to generate the amount of income you need over your…
Read MoreAn Investment Tug-of-War: What Is Best and What You Can Tolerate
Investors want both low volatility and the highest possible returns. Unfortunately, that option is not always available but not because there are no strategies but because of investor temperament. Choosing an investment strategy that is suitable for an individual investor is not as easy as it seems. Whether an investor manages his or her own…
Read MoreAlternative Investments, Do You Really Need Them?
Alternative investments are generally used by investors to diversify their investments beyond the typical asset classes of stocks, bonds, and cash. Alternative investments are usually private equity funds, private REITs, private real estate funds, hedge funds, or venture capital funds. The hope of diversifying with these alternative assets is to reduce volatility and increase your…
Read MoreA lifetime of Income from The Classic 60/40 Asset Allocation
In recent years financial pundits have declared that the 60/40 portfolio is officially dead and can no longer provide a stable stream of income from its component parts, 60% stocks and 40% bonds. The rationale behind declaring the death of this commonly used allocation is that bond yields are so low that allocating 40% of…
Read MoreInvesting With Confidence, Know Your Odds
For the average retail investor, trying to understand the financial markets can be extremely overwhelming but it should not be. The first thing that any investor should understand about financial market commentary distributed through any form of media is that it is often not relevant to most personal situations. The only use for such information…
Read MoreInvestment Fundamentals Are the Key
For all Investors, whether retail or institutional, fundamentals should be driving the bulk of your decisions when it comes to stock picking. The goal is to buy stocks whose potential for growth is greater than the broader market, otherwise you should just invest in a broad market index like the S&P 500. Our goal here…
Read MoreMaximizing your Investment Income
For most investors, simplicity is better. However, far too often investors have either too many investment strategies or no strategy at all. One of the major drawbacks of having multiple equity strategies is that it is not necessary, confusing, and can be more costly. It is understandable why a family of mutual funds would have…
Read MoreWhy Do a Back-test?
First, what is a back-test? A back-test is going back in time to evaluate an investment strategy that you think can provide returns greater than the broad market as defined by the S&P 500 or another popular index. There are software programs out there that allow you to back-test a strategy. However, if you have…
Read MoreBeating the S&P 500 with the Best of the S&P 500
The debate continues about whether it is possible to outperform the S&P 500 over time. At Investoristics, we think the answer is yes especially if your approach is based on common sense and is grounded in investment fundamentals. In a recent article, we discussed our view on the number of stocks most investors need for…
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